We don't fire staff, they fire themselves!
The lunch break was almost over, with the temperature at 10 Celsius and a very bone chilling wind was blowing. As the lunch break was ending, classroom teacher James slipped away and positioned himself between two buses to smoke a cigarette. A senior leader happened to pass by and noticed smoke coming from the front of the bus. When the leader went to investigate, James was found smoking on school grounds.This wasn’t James’s first run-in with the rules. The familiar trail of cigarette smoke on school premises during hours when he should have been teaching had landed him in hot water more times than anyone could count on one hand. But this time, the senior leader had had enough. James was instructed to report to their office promptly after school hours.
This wasn’t just about the smoking anymore. It was the fourth time James had been caught breaking this specific rule—a fact not lost on anyone in leadership. But the smoking was only part of the story. There were other troubling patterns: three instances of James being found napping while his students were with a specialist, and a seemingly chronic inability to show up on time—whether for class, duties, staff meetings, or even the start of the school day.
The divisional principal issued verbal warnings to James and Human Resource ( HR) Director had already issued James three written warnings, each tied to his repeated infractions for smoking on school grounds. The Director of HR now stood at a crossroads, ready to initiate the next step: a formal Professional Improvement Plan (PIP).
But the question lingered in the air like the smoke James refused to quit: Should the school invest time and resources into a PIP for an employee with a track record of disregard for both the rules and his responsibilities? Or was it time to face the harder truth—one that might lead to more decisive action?
The senior leader spent a bit of time thinking about the best case scenarios regarding James. The senior leader wrote down a two column note and took a long reflective look at the best direction to take.
Positive | Negative |
Recruiting a highly qualified educator for a middle school English. | Finding a qualified good to average educator for the middle school English in the middle of the school year is a challenge. |
Principal will be less stressed with having to have progressive discipline meetings of verbal warnings, written warnings and Performance Improvement Plan and the final steps of suspension or termination. | Parents have complained about James and that the school has not been able to recruit a strong English teacher. |
HR will ensure fairness. | School reputation of high turn over of educators. |
Staff will be relieved of having to pick up the workload of James. | Did the HR department do a proper job of documentation and keeping Confidential information private? |
HR will have another burden of paperwork and seeking replacement for the position. |
So Just What Is Progressive Discipline? Who Is It For?
Progressive discipline, in its original sense, has nothing to do with progressivism or school discipline.
Rather, the term refers to a long-established set of HR practices with escalating (progressive) sanctions (discipline) for repeated misconduct. "Progressive discipline for teachers" refers to a system where disciplinary actions against a teacher escalate in severity based on the seriousness and repetition of their misconduct, typically starting with verbal warnings and progressing to written reprimands, suspension, and ultimately, termination, with an emphasis on providing opportunities for improvement along the way. Progressive discipline is for those employees who habitually do not comply with the organizations rules or guidelines.
Clear and well-written policies in the employee handbook are essential. These guidelines outline the dos and don'ts for employees, providing clarity and setting expectations to ensure a professional and productive work environment. All staff should have a clear understanding of their job description and responsibilities listed in their contract. By having staff informed of expectations and potential consequences for violating policies, allows for clear communication and consistency.
Listed below are the basic steps for progressive discipline. These stages of progressive discipline can be applied to all staff with in the organization.
Verbal warning:
An informal discussion with the teacher regarding their behavior, highlighting the issue and outlining expectations for improvement.
Written warning:
A formal document detailing the misconduct, expectations for change, and potential consequences if the behavior continues.
Performance improvement plan (PIP):
A structured plan outlining specific areas where the teacher needs to improve, with regular monitoring and feedback from the administrator.
Suspension without pay:
Temporary removal from teaching duties, usually accompanied by a requirement to attend professional development or counseling.
Termination of employment:
Dismissal from the teaching position as a last resort for serious or repeated misconduct.
There are a few important items to consider as one moves through these stages of disciplinary action. When the infraction gradual escalates, the disciplinary process moves through stages, starting with less severe consequences for minor infractions and increasing in severity for repeated or more serious issues. James went from verbal to written warnings. The biggest challenge is deciding whether to invest the time and effort to develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for the individual. Once teachers are entering the PIP, clear communications of expectations and of the potential consequences for violating policies, knowing that the documentation of each disciplinary step can and will be used for due process with the labor board.

It is important that the HR director not only ensures that the process of disciplinary action is being followed, but that due process for the teachers as well is in place. Every teacher should have the opportunity to respond to accusations and present their side of the story before disciplinary action is taken. During this process, consistency should be the priority which will ensure all teachers are held to the same standards and disciplinary actions are applied fairly.

Document, document, document, regardless of the form, verbal, written, video, or indirect account (hearsay) is extremely important. Both HR and leadership should maintain detailed records of all disciplinary actions, including dates, conversations, and evidence of misconduct. If leadership has never had to do this process, providing support and training for both teachers and leaders with the opportunities for professional development and support to address performance issues before resorting to disciplinary action.
And now for the rest of the story regarding James and his progressive discipline. The senior leader shared his two column notes with the director of HR and thoughts. Both came up with an option of two choices: move to a PIP that allowed for three months of behavioral improvement with an option of another two month extension or move to release James from his 2 year contract at the end of the year. James was given 2-3 days to think about the offer. What do you think James took?
If you are considering reevaluating your Progressive Discipline policy for teachers, it is crucial to understand the intricate details involved in the process. International Educational Consultant team can provide you with a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just numbers and ratings. As international consultants, we delve deep into the cultural nuances and expectations set forth by the Ministry of Education of the respective country, as well as the foundational philosophy of the schools.
By aligning the overarching goal of developing students into well-rounded global citizens, International Educational Consultant team will ensure that your Progressive Discipline policy is not just a formality but a strategic tool for leadership and teacher growth. Please do not hesitate to contact us and establish a connection.