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Essential Impacts Libraries Have On A Founding School’s Educational Ecosystem.

Writer's picture: Dr. Renata McFarlandDr. Renata McFarland

The purpose of your school library is to help every member of your school community — students, staff, families and whānau — gain new knowledge, skills, and dispositions for learning and personal development that they will use throughout their lives. (National Library of New Zealand)

Ensuring a dedicated space on building plans is a crucial step, but there are additional considerations beyond physical allocation for a library to optimize its functionality and impact. Planning for a library that provides accessibility, natural light with esthetic and ambiance appeal, storage solutions capable of accommodating hundreds of books, diverse literacy collections, dedicated teaching areas, technology integration coupled with collaborative spaces, is essential. By incorporating these considerations into the planning process, a school can create a library space that not only meets basic requirements but also enhances the overall learning experience for students and supports the diverse functions of a modern educational library. That is why it's so important to have an excellent library in your international school.

Having a good quality library serves as a hub for knowledge, supports diverse learning styles, fosters cultural awareness, and prepares students for academic and professional success in a global context. Libraries provide access to materials in all formats. Research consistently demonstrates that a school library, when equipped with adequate staffing, sufficient funding, and an extensive collection of books, exerts a positive and significant influence on students. They help increase students' interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas.

Five key Factors When Building A Founding School Library.

First, hire experienced and knowledgeable librarians. Certified librarians who are able to link seamlessly integrate inquiry learning and information literacy, can creating a cohesive educational environment that empowers students to explore, analyze, and apply knowledge effectively in their academic pursuits and beyond.

Second, the library is an integral part of the cultural and social life of your school. It can be a central point for people to read, join in cultural activities, and access information. Library staff who develop collections and specialized events, create a place that reflects and welcomes the diverse readers and learners within your school community. The cultural history of the school’s country is very important. Having access to cultural history in school libraries is vital for fostering cultural awareness, developing critical thinking skills, promoting empathy, and preparing students for active participation in a globalized world.

Third, designing a school library requires careful consideration of various factors to create a space that is functional, welcoming, and supportive of diverse learning needs. Here are five key elements to consider. Space Planning: Allocation of space for different zones, flexibility for reconfiguration for events, workspaces, computer stations all accommodating different activities and learning styles. Natural Lighting ensures a bright and inviting atmosphere, so placement of windows is essential. Aesthetics: Consider the appeal of color schemes, artwork and signage that align with the school’s identity and appeal as one enters the library. Learning Resources: Plan for well curated and diverse collections of books that align with the curriculum. Offer books in the countries mother tongue as well. Security: Consider a security measures such as CCTV cameras, an anti-theft system and controlled access to protect valuable resources.

Fourth, storage is imperative. All libraries will need storage. This means a space that will allow for storage of literacy closet, collaboration tools, such as whiteboards, laptops, tablets, all event props and storage for valuable books.

Fifth, greenery is essential. by integrating indoor plants or green spaces to promote a sense of well-being and connection with nature. Plants strategically placed in the library can create a visually appealing and stimulating atmosphere. Plants can also contribute to improved air quality.

Over the next few years, academic and research libraries will face a number of challenges. As students use the libraries' physical and online resources, library employees may assist students with both information literacy and digital literacy tasks. Both information literacy and digital literacy are necessary for career readiness and lifelong learning. School libraries will have to improve digital literacy and open access to resources. They'll have to adapt entire organizations to modern student behaviour while improving library integration with other parts of the institutions they serve.

I love holding and reading books. I personally have found libraries to be a wealth of knowledge, place to reflect, observe students and teachers, and most importantly a welcoming place to just sit, read and contemplate. A favorite librarian colleague of mine at her checkout desk, had a plaque with a quote from Barack Obama that was her mantra.

"At the moment that we persuade a child, any child, to cross that threshold, that magic threshold into a library, we change their lives forever, for the better. It's an enormous force for good."

Even now, I firmly believe that within every library, there exists a magical threshold. As you contemplate the requirements of a library, bear in mind that its essence lies in meeting the needs of the students. If you seek further insights into constructing a robust library that aligns with the school's mission and vision, feel free to reach out. My expertise and insights are geared toward addressing the needs of both global students and schools, forming a foundation for excellence.

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